First Call 2-1-1 is a free, confidential community service. Our mission is to provide useful information to the public and to help you find exactly what you need. Whether the issue you’re dealing with is simple or complex, we are here to help! Our up-to-date database allows us to search through local services and match your needs to the proper organizations and agencies to connect you to the help you need.
2-1-1 is a direct digit line to the information and referral services. Much like how 9-1-1 is a three-digit dialing that focuses on emergency services, First Call 211 focuses on non-emergency community information. A staff member will assist you throughout the call to define the nature of the inquiry, and explore possible solutions together.
To best assist you, a staff member may ask questions (such as age, zip code, and status of others in the household) to help determine eligibility and direct you to the right services. All information shared during a call is confidential.
Our First Call 2-1-1 staff is trained and nationally certified to guide callers through the complex human services network. Sometimes situations can seem so overwhelming that it can be hard to see a solution. If you don’t know where to turn or who to call, start with First Call 2-1-1.
Alternate Line: 419-522-4636 Toll-Free: 877-795-2111
Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week by telephone.
Calling us isn’t your only option. First Call 2-1-1 of Richland County has walk-in services available from: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Monday through Friday at our office.
We are located at 36 West Third Street Mansfield, OH 44902. Just across the street from the Main Library. You can just walk in to our offices, and we’ll be happy to help you find what you’re looking for, answer questions, and direct you to the right resources in the community.
Just grab your phone and text your zipcode number to:
Connect to a real person who can help direct you to the resources you might need.
Revised 2/25/25
Organizations interested in being added to the community resource database are invited to view the Inclusion/Exclusion Policy. For further information or to request resource database inclusion forms, call 419-522-4163.
Click here to access the publicly available resource records. Contacting the community resource specialists, available 24/7/365, is recommended for the most optimal experience and full range of referral results.
First Call 211 is accredited by InformUsa.
43 West Third Street
Mansfield, OH 44902
(419) 521-3100