Find updates about our Ontario Branch renovations and our temporary location at the Richland Mall.
As a reminder, our temporary location for the Ontario branch can be found at 2209 Richland Mall. We recommend parking on the Stumbo Rd. side, southwest entrance.
Richland Mall Library Hours
Mon., Tue., & Thu. 10 AM-7 PM
Wed., Fri., Sat. 10 AM-5 PM
Sun. 1 -5 PM
Our Ontario library will undergo an exciting makeover to create a more modern, welcoming, and functional space. Improved facilities will include upgraded reading areas, creative spaces, increased accessibility, enhanced technology, and new community spaces for everyone to enjoy.
Here is a gallery of before photos from our Ontario Branch.
Our new interior will feature modern designs with bold colors. Take a look at the sketches here.
Want a closer look at our floor plan? The floor plan includes new community spaces, children’s and teen zones, and an outdoor reading area. You can find it here.
Here there will be a gallery of construction photos and updates on our renovations.
New Technology and Accessibility
More Community Spaces
New Children and Teen Spaces
An Outdoor Reading Space
You can still find our full collection, friendly staff, and full program schedule in it’s temporary location at 2209, Richland Mall. Our book drop will be placed outside the mall entrance beginning April 22 and remain there throughout the renovations. In addition, we will be continuing curbside pick up at this location. We recommend parking on the Stumbo Rd. side, south entrance. For questions, call our Ontario staff at 419.529.4912.
Our Ontario Branch will be continuing programs in it’s temporary location at the Richland Mall. We will have a separate programming room across from the Library’s location to continue hosting adult, teen, and children programs.
Why is it necessary to remodel the Library? The building is in need of many essential infrastructure repairs, such as HVAC, lighting, restrooms, entrance/exit, parking, etc.. In addition to necessary building updates, MRCPL is improving the Ontario Branch to fully meet the needs of today’s library users, including:
Updating the children’s department
Creating a new teen space
Updating spaces for technology
Improving accessibility
Improving efficiency and reducing operating costs (HVAC, lighting, acoustic elements)
Adding an outdoor reading space
Allowing 24/7 locker pick-up access
Increasing the number of public meeting room spaces to meet growing demand from the public.
Why is the Library doing this now?
The Library created a Master Facilities Plan in 2022 and looked at projects that could be prioritized. Due to the inefficiencies at one of MRCPL’s busiest locations, it was decided to move forward with the Ontario project first.
How did you select the architect and construction companies?
Requests for Qualifications were advertised in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code. From the submissions, three design firms and three construction companies were shortlisted and interviewed. The Library Board of Trustees selected the firms that offered the best value. HBM Architects was selected to lead the project.
What is the timeline for this project?
Construction starts in Spring/Summer 2024 and is anticipated to last approximately 10-12 months.
How much will the project cost?
The project budget is $3.2 million.
Where is the money coming from?
The project is made possible through the Library’s capital reserves. There is no additional cost to Richland County taxpayers.
Will the Ontario Branch be relocated during construction?
Yes! The Ontario Branch will close for two weeks beginning Monday, April 22, to allow for a move to the Richland Mall. The anticipated opening date for the temporary space is Monday, May 6. At the temporary space, the entire collection from the current location will be available, with the same friendly staff, programs.
Where can I return items during the two week closure?
The branch book drop will be relocated to the southwest entrance to the Richland Mall off of Stumbo Rd. You may also return items to any of our other branch locations.
Where will my holds go during the two week closure?
We recommend picking up your holds at the Ontario Branch by Sunday, April 21. If you are making a request the week prior to the closure, consider requesting that they be sent to another location for pickup. Otherwise, they will be available for pickup at the temporary location beginning Monday, May 6.
Will the Library still hold programs at the Mall?
Yes! Richland Mall has graciously offered space for our programming activities. Check the monthly At the Library and our event calendar for the programming schedule.
Will you offer curbside service while at Richland Mall?
There will be 4 marked parking spaces for curbside service near the southwest entrance to the mall.
43 West Third Street
Mansfield, OH 44902
(419) 521-3100