This is an alert bar. Due to COVID-19, face covering required in all MRCPL buildings. Thank you for your cooperation!

Public Behavior Policy

Rules For Public Behavior on Library Property

The Board of Library Trustees is responsible for determining the rules for public behavior in the library necessary:
1. to protect the rights of individuals to use library materials and services.
2. to protect the rights of library employees and volunteers to conduct library business without interference.
3. to ensure the intended and proper use of the buildings, materials, and services.
4. to preserve those materials and facilities from harm.
5. to ensure the safety of library customers, employees, and volunteers.

The Board authorizes the director or his/her designee to revoke or restrict library privileges of any individual who behaves contrary to these rules, according to the Barring Policy. The Board also authorizes the director to file charges against individuals who repeatedly transgress these rules.

The rules for public behavior are listed below. Security staff and all other employees are authorized to bring to an individual’s attention any act or omission that violates these rules and detracts from the decorum of the library. Such an individual will be asked to change his/her behavior to conform to the rules. If such change is not evident or forthcoming that individual will be asked to leave the library building and library property. If the individual does not leave on his/her own accord, law enforcement will be called for assistance.

Depending on the severity of the misbehavior, individuals who have been asked to leave the building and property may be barred from returning to the library, according to the library Barring Policy.

Any misconduct that hinders the use of the library or library materials is prohibited. Such misconduct might include but is not limited to:

1. Loud or boisterous behavior.
2. Conversation, including cell phone use, that is disturbing to other  individuals or employees.
3. Profanity or other abusive language toward other individuals or toward  library staff.
4. Possessing any weapon on library property except those in the possession  of public safety forces. Weapons may include but are not limited to  firearms and other forms of dangerous ordnance.
5. Misusing library materials, furniture, or equipment.
6. Running in a library facility.
7. Verbal or physical harassment, disruptive or threatening behavior, or, intimidation. Harassment may include initiating unwanted conversations, impeding ingress to or egress from the building, etc.
8. Fighting on library property.
9. Using any tobacco products and electronic cigarettes while on library property.
10. Possessing, selling, or using alcoholic beverages or illegal substances on library property.
11. Eating or drinking beverages in uncovered containers in a library building, except for groups that are using meeting rooms and have properly requested the available kitchen facilities.
12. Sleeping in a library building.
13. Buying or selling of any kind, or soliciting for personal gain or charitable purposes.
14. Using personal audio/video equipment at a level that can be heard
by other individuals.
15. Skateboarding and rollerblading anywhere on library property.
16. Distributing literature, taking surveys, or asking individuals or employees to sign petitions or similar activities.
17. Taking photographs and/or recording videos of Library staff or patrons without their permission.                                        
18. Bringing animals other than service animals into a library building,  unless as part of a library-sanctioned program.
19. Not wearing a shirt or shoes in library buildings.
20. Using the emergency exits at times other than during an emergency.
21. Unpleasant or foul odor on or about the body, clothing, or possessions sufficiently noticeable to interfere with the  intended use of the library.
 22. Bringing in bed bugs, fleas, etc., on or about the body, clothing or possessions, or in returned library materials.           

The library reserves the right to limit the number of individuals who may sit together.

Under reasonable suspicion, the library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases, packs, etc. for library materials.

Skateboards, basketballs, bicycles, or other athletic equipment may not be brought into library buildings.

The above rules are based on powers granted to a library board of trustees under Ohio Statutory and Case Law to operate a public building. They will be posted prominently in each library location.

Revised 2/21/23 Library Board of Trustee

All locations are open Jan. 21 and Jan. 22 despite the cold weather. Come on in to warm up!