Support your Library by becoming a member or volunteer of the Friends.
The Friends of the Library (FOL) are a support group for the Library and we manage the Evergreen Bookshop. We provide financial assistance by supplementing the library’s income in the purchase of specific equipment and materials for library use. Friends provide volunteer assistance for special events including the annual Summer Library Program, legislative events, and special projects. Anyone can be a Friend of the Library.
Individual membership: $3.00 annually
Family membership: $5.00 annually
Download an application here. Membership applications are also available at any library location and at the Friends’ Evergreen Book Shop.
Do you love books as much as we do? Do you have some spare time or just love to help people? WE NEED YOU! We are always looking for volunteers to help with our Evergreen Bookshop in multiple capacities. If you’re interested, leave a message for the store by calling 419.526.4352. Or, download, complete, and submit the volunteer application here.
For further information about the Friends of the Library, please call the store at 419.526.4352, or find us on Facebook.
The Evergreen Bookshop is a resale bookshop, managed by volunteers from the Friends of the Library. The bookshop is located at 37 N. Walnut Street (corner of 3rd and Walnut Streets).
We now accept credit cards!
Hours are subject to change. See the Evergreen Bookshop page for up to date monthly and pop-up sale information.
Current prices for book sale items:
*It is the policy of the Friends of the Library that no commercial scanning will be permitted during the book sales.
43 West Third Street
Mansfield, OH 44902
(419) 521-3100