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SearchOhio & OhioLINK

Request items we don’t have in our catalogue through these resources!

If we do not own an item you want, we offer you the free service of borrowing it from another library when possible. This service takes place through SearchOhio, a consortium of public libraries throughout the state or OhioLINK, a consortium of Ohio’s college and university libraries and the State Library of Ohio.

How to Use SearchOhio and/or OhioLINK

  1. If you cannot find the item you want in the M/RCPL catalog, search the SearchOhio or OhioLINK catalogs. (Look for the SearchOhio logo or the words OhioLINK on the catalog page when your search in our local catalog is completed.)
  2. When item is located, click on REQUEST THIS ITEM.
  3. Choose Mansfield Richland Library from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter your NAME, your LIBRARY CARD NUMBER and PIN.

  5. Choose the pickup location from the drop-down menu.
  6. Click SUBMIT.

  7. The item will come from the lending library and be delivered to your pickup location.


Item Status

  1. Once you have placed a hold, you will see the item appear on your holds screen in My Account with a status of Requested.
  2. When the item has been shipped, its status will show as In Transit.
  3. Once the item is ready and available for you to pick up, its status will show as received and you will receive a courtesy notice letting you know that it has arrived. The courtesy notice will come via your preferred method – text, email,  or phone.

The policies for each of the services are different. Please note the differences below:

SearchOhio Policies

1. Items are usually available within 5-7 business days.
2. Items will remain on the hold shelf at the pickup location for 10 days.
3. The loan period is 21 days for printed items, audiobooks and music and 7 days for DVDs. All items may be eligible for up to 3 renewals.
4. A replacement fee of $25.00 will be billed for lost or damaged items.
5. SearchOhio policies and charges are determined by the SearchOhio consortium and cannot be waived or negotiated.

1. Items are usually available within 5-7 business days.
2. Items will remain on the hold shelf at the pickup institution for 10 days.
3. The loan period is 21 days for printed items (4 renewals if no holds on item) and 7 days for media (no renewals).
4. Overdue fine is 50 cents per day. Returning an item that has been billed and/or is more than 30 days overdue will incur a $50.00 fine.
5. A replacement fee of $125.00 will be billed for any item not returned within 30 days of the due date.
6. OhioLINK policies, fines, and charges are determined by the OhioLINK consortium and cannot be waived or negotiated.